Monday, February 19, 2007

Bald Eagle!!!

Oh my gosh, what a day!! Mom came to me and asked what kind of bird was out in the pasture, on the ground. With my naked eye, I could see a large dark bird with a white head. Oh certainly not....
Got the binocs, and yessiree, it was an adult bald eagle, partaking of carion. I couldn't remember white tail or not, so we drug out the bird manual and right again, adult bald eagles (5+ years) have white heads and white tails. He comes equipped with HUGE yellow talons, and a very hooked, sharp looking yellow beak. His most endearing features to me are his legs, he looks to be wearing shaggy brown pants. No other birds were nearby, I wonder why?
Fascinating watching the other interested (in the dead armadillo) parties. A definite pecking order. Two redtails (hawks) were hanging nearby and dove to the spot as soon as King Fred (as Meg has named him) sailed up into the nearby oak tree. One chased off the other and had his fill. All the while the turkey vultures hovered overhead, never got too close. When the hawks left, the vultures took their turn. The eagle returned 3 times throughout the day, but i never saw the redtails again. One time Fred tried to take the armadillo with him but it was either too heavy, or he couldn't get a good grip, because he dropped it. It was also very windy today. I took lots of pictures, although none too close. WHAT A THRILL!
I hope he sticks around.

1 comment:

jittacatgirl said...

i want a bald eagle in MY backyard. actually i want a backyard.