Friday, March 9, 2007

Sao Paulo and back

Well, it's Friday and much has happened since last post. Been to Brasil and back, had a fabulous but extremely exhausting time. The trip there was tiring and my ankles swelled to twice their size. Spent the next few days trying to get them back to normal. Hard to do with no A/C and running like crazy.
I've never seen so large a city and so many people! They all seem quite happy however. A normal 2 lane highway is turned into the INDY racetrack on a daily basis, no lanes marked and the Brasilian people turn it into 4 or 5 lanes routinely. Add to that the small motorcycles that are permitted to weave their way in and out of traffic at will. Amazingly enough, I didn't see ONE accident the whole time I was there. Shopping was an experience, Leonor would or wouldn't allow my camera to be seen, depending on the location of said shopping. We did inadvertantly fall into a robbery scene at a network of jewelry store. I didn't actually see the perp or the cops, but Leonor did see the cop coming up the steps with gun drawn. He motioned to her, with the same gun, to go back into the store, which she wisely did. We ended up leaving the store a few minutes later without incident.
The beach we visited on Friday before the wedding was absolutely gorgeous. Rivals those we've seen in Hawaii and 7 mile beach in Cayman. Much larger, clean, and lovely waves that were a blast to play in. Thank goodness (or SPF 50) none of us sunburned. We didn't want to look like a herd of lobsters in front of the congregation at the wedding.
Leonor hasn't lost her touch in the chicken, or is it kitchen? We ate and ate, yummy Brasilian rice and so many other good things. The wedding was lovely, complete with a very emotional bridegroom, who was so tearful before the bride arrived at the chapel. Reception?? A huge party, a BLAST! These folks know how to have a good time.
Trip home was a bit more restful, although I still feel a bit jetlaggy. GREAT TIME!!

1 comment:

jittacatgirl said...

where's my brasilian bathing suit?