Monday, February 19, 2007

Bald Eagle!!!

Oh my gosh, what a day!! Mom came to me and asked what kind of bird was out in the pasture, on the ground. With my naked eye, I could see a large dark bird with a white head. Oh certainly not....
Got the binocs, and yessiree, it was an adult bald eagle, partaking of carion. I couldn't remember white tail or not, so we drug out the bird manual and right again, adult bald eagles (5+ years) have white heads and white tails. He comes equipped with HUGE yellow talons, and a very hooked, sharp looking yellow beak. His most endearing features to me are his legs, he looks to be wearing shaggy brown pants. No other birds were nearby, I wonder why?
Fascinating watching the other interested (in the dead armadillo) parties. A definite pecking order. Two redtails (hawks) were hanging nearby and dove to the spot as soon as King Fred (as Meg has named him) sailed up into the nearby oak tree. One chased off the other and had his fill. All the while the turkey vultures hovered overhead, never got too close. When the hawks left, the vultures took their turn. The eagle returned 3 times throughout the day, but i never saw the redtails again. One time Fred tried to take the armadillo with him but it was either too heavy, or he couldn't get a good grip, because he dropped it. It was also very windy today. I took lots of pictures, although none too close. WHAT A THRILL!
I hope he sticks around.

Another Monday

time to get up, looks like a goreous oklahoma day, the furnace is running but i think the temperature will be a bit more mild than the past week's have been. so much to do, so much to think about. a week from today, i'll have my bags packed for the trip to brazil. i'm so excited, cannot wait to see the girls again and leonor. get to meet marcio and grandparents too. should be a good time. need to start thinking about what to take, other than my long dress. wore the shoes a bit yesterday, should be comfortable enough.
meg text messaged me this morning SO EARLY, what's that about? don't understand
saw the pics from VB. looks like everyone had a good time
OUT OF BED, lying here isn't going to make me feel any better about things, so much on my mind.

Friday, February 16, 2007

It's Friday!!! YAY!

This will have to be quick, leaving in 10 minutes for a dinner date with friends. Bob's day off, and all we did was run,run, run. Eye exams and new glasses ordered for both. I am near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other. Wanted to see a movie but J is tired from travels. So dinner will have to do.
Bluebirds are eating us out of house and home. Thank goodness mom got an extra order of mealworms this month. They are eating however many we put out. Little hoglets!!!
Warmer today, but not much. Dogs still don't spend much time out there, and I refuse to let kitties out.
Listened to Checotah, Oklahoma's pride and joy, Carrie Underwood's new CD today. What a talent!! Also Bon Jovi (I splurged) Cannot remember the last CD I bought for myself. It's been awhile. I do have varied taste in music.
Gotta go, I hope this weekend drags. I like having Bob home.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Woke up this morning to a beautiful snowfall!! and it is still coming down. My "girls" were across the way eating the corn I left for them yesterday. I snuck (i thought i was sneaking) out with my dig to shoot a few images and they left!! Other times I drive by and they just watch me go. GO figure. Anyway the downside to this is that the furnace is not working and it is currently 18 degrees F outside, and not all the comfortable inside either. GEO JOEL (our geo thermal guy) can't get anyone here until early afternoon. We'll just have to be cold. I can't seem to get a fire started in the wood burner either. I've got to get that going at least. My mother is gonna freeze to death. I told her to get under the electric blanket. That is all I can offer at this point. Canine kids are asleep on my bed, under a blanket. The felines can't figure out why they cannot find a warm spot. Off to the wood pile!!!!!