Thursday, August 2, 2007

White Tail Visitors, part 1

At first glance white tail deer look much the same as the guy, or gal standing next to him or her. As the weeks go on and I have the pleasure of watching them every morning, I've begun to notice subtle differences. The does are much harder to distinguish from each other, except for their size obviously. A few observations regarding the does: they really do hang together and are quite tolerant of each other and of the fawns. Occasionally one larger doe will stick her front leg out to shoo the others from the corn but in general they are content to stick together. And usually the one who is bossing the rest of the girls is the biggest doe. Another thing I've noticed is that the yearlings, both bucks and does, hang with the adult does. ( The adult bucks have very little tolerance of the yearlings, but more on the bucks in a later post.) Another thing I noticed that I find quite humorous is watching the does eat, particularly swallow. Their necks are quite skinny compared to the boys. They gather corn from the feeder, and as they chew they raise their heads and look around to see if the cats (don't laugh, they are spooked by my little Tabby terror known as Ebby) or Grams ( age 80+) are going to go on a rampage toward them. When they swallow their mouthful, you can see a noticeable "lump" travel down the front of their necks as said lump heads downward. I find it quite entertaining, I don't know why?? I am not sure how many fawns we have in our immediate vicinity. I've seen 3 at one time, including the twins. I'm wondering if the set is a buck and doe. One is much larger than his sibling. Mom is SO vigilant. She really keeps an eye on them. The single fawn that visits is getting really tall and big. The white tails are such beautiful creatures, and I have certainly enjoyed this brief glimpse into their existence. Once fall arrives and we head towards the rut, I'm guessing they will be spread out across this small expanse of beautiful Oklahoma, and we may not get to see them as often. I'll continue to supply them with corn, antler max and minerals, in the form of "blocks", and I'll keep posting on their visits for as long as I can.

Monday, July 16, 2007

ICK the Sequel

i was wrong on one item: It is NOT dry enough, at least not in spots. I sank in over the tops of my shoes in mud in one of those spots. OH well, at least Sophie and Satch sank too. Sophie doesn't discriminate when it comes to getting hot and finding a wet spot. Could just be standing water or more often than not, it's a mud puddle. All the same to her as long as it's wet and cool. Did notice 2 new bluebird nests with eggs, and one just started. Been a decent year for bluebird babies. That usually cheers me up, but maybe tomorrow.


finished HP5 audiobook, on to HP6............wondering what has happened...........dry enough to jog today..........mowing to do...........yard full of deer this morning beautiful bucks............questioning why........feeling very tired today...........missed the ESPYs dang...........still haven't made it to the theater for Order (maybe this weekend?).............can't wait to see HAIRSPRAY...........Bob may actually be home before dark tonight...........summer Olympics 2008 Beijing....sadness....did my best..........Mizunos here I come.......pick yourself up.........up off the i go!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Miscellaneous Stuff

I'm sitting here, watching the rain out my front window. If and when I ever get to mow again, it's not going to be fun. The grass is very tall, and there is no end in sight as far as precipitation goes. Last evening, I spied on this beautiful fawn as he waited patiently in the pasture for his mama to come back and get him. I'm not sure if he is one of the pair of twins I saw last week. If so, I hope the other baby is still around somewhere. Seriously, it's better if I don't see them AT ALL. When one turns up "missing" I worry. See Jitta? You're not alone.

I've included some images of my friends, and my beautiful daughter Thais, from our recent rendezvous in Manhattan. Marcio, Leonor and I wandered around Central Park on Sunday, as Thais and her husband Scott ran. The park is such a beautiful and amazing place. We toured the castle, and Shakespeare's garden. So lovely and peaceful. Took in the tribute spot to John Lennon, as Marcio is a big American rock fan.

The story behind this ring? Well, it's just about one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. DadWadPad and I purchased silver rings while visiting Brasil in March. Leonor ran us all over the older (more dangerous) section of SaoPaulo to find just what we were looking for. A month or so ago, due a series of miscues on my part and a misunderstanding of the part of a friend, I lost my ring. My friend misunderstood my intentions when I removed the ring to show it to her across a dinner table in a noisy dining room one evening. She was so thrilled when she put the ring on her pinkie and it fit. To her, the thought that I brought something back from Brasil for her made her joyous. I didn't have the heart to correct the misunderstanding and ask for it back. Fast forward to this past Saturday as we were visiting in the Best Western on 49th Street. I relayed this story to Leonor and Marcio via Thais, the official translator. As I was rambling on about my loss and eliciting chuckles from everyone, Leonor removed her ring and slipped it on the ring finger of my right hand. "Perfect!" she exclaimed, with the most beautiful smile on her face. As I tried to return her ring to her, she refused. Her gift to me obviously made her very happy, as it did me! What a wonderful gesture. I asked Marcio to please make sure she gets herself a replacement. He assured me he would. Such unbridled joy, generosity, and genuine love is a gift; one to be treasured. I'll never forget her selflessness. We should all strive to be so giving.........

Friday, June 1, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I think I mow more frequently than I brush my teeth. Not really, but here in rural Oklahoma it is endless AND frequent. Spring has been very wet and cool, which I relish. But it does make for long, lush fast growing green. The 80 or so acres of Bermuda pasture we look out on every day, is as green and beautiful as I've seen it. NO, I do not mow all 80, but I do mow around the 80. The surrounding path becomes my walking/jogging trail. More about my trail in a moment. Our log home sits all by itself on top of "Packard Mountain". Well, that isn't quite accurate. Our nearest neighbor ( human ) is probably a mile or more away. We can't see them and they can't see us.
I do a considerable amount of mowing just around the actual house. We have a wee bit of zoysia but the rest is bermuda (pasture turned lawn, and I use the term "lawn" loosely). Some of this stuff has been here since the dawn of ages I think. It refuses to be cut. Tough as nails.
Along the mowed trail, I see something new every time. Wildflowers, cacti, turtles ( I accidentally hit one a month or so ago- I'm still scarred), an occasional black snake, armadillos (The Sophster's favorite), raccoons (came upon a mom and young'uns last summer and she was NOT amused) and of course endless deer. Still waiting for my first glimpse of new babies.
Some days I'm too distracted to notice anything. I've been known to cry while mowing, cuss, daydream, pray, sing at the top of my lungs. (This is probably why I haven't seen any fawns yet) I do a lot of talking to myself.
My new grasshopper mower is fantastic, but the cost?? Good grief. However, it is great and makes a long tedious job better.
I really do love to mow. It's mindless, but I do some of my best thinking and problem solving while riding along. And I see IMMEDIATE results.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another spring storm on its way

I've got an hour to get my candles lined up and the starter handy. Right now we've got a lovely shower coming down with just a bit of fogginess. It is so pleasant; for once we have no wind. I have a feeling that will change soonl, after looking at the radar. Hopefully we won't lose our power.
HURRAH for spring!!