Monday, July 16, 2007

ICK the Sequel

i was wrong on one item: It is NOT dry enough, at least not in spots. I sank in over the tops of my shoes in mud in one of those spots. OH well, at least Sophie and Satch sank too. Sophie doesn't discriminate when it comes to getting hot and finding a wet spot. Could just be standing water or more often than not, it's a mud puddle. All the same to her as long as it's wet and cool. Did notice 2 new bluebird nests with eggs, and one just started. Been a decent year for bluebird babies. That usually cheers me up, but maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

jittacatgirl said...

sophie is such a doofus. she ALWAYS finds puddles and just lies down. then she's all muddy. then she wants to come inside. silly puppy.