Wednesday, April 11, 2007


After some much needed prodding by a certain jitta, I've decided to write about NYC and our recent visit. It was fabulous, despite some bumps. Any time 4 adults get together for a week. something is bound to go wrong. THREE very strong personalities, and one peacemaker.
My favorite part of the trip of course, was being able to see some great shows. It's hard to say which I liked best. I guess I'd have to say "Curtains" with David Hyde Pierce. They were all really good; the dancing talent, and choreo in "Chicago" was amazing. Avenue Q was humorous, albeit over the top on a few things. But again, I'm an old poop.
It is hard to imagine how you can go through Central Park and never see the same thing twice. And I'm not referring only to the scenery. So many different people, with their little dogs in THEIR spiffy coats.
And did we eat!!! YUMMY burgers, fish, and great wine.
I LOVE New York.

1 comment:

Lara said...

listening to jitta (and now you) talk about the trip, i find myself wanting to go visit! it's been years since i was last there, and i only saw one show ("rent"). must take a trip someday... :)