Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another spring storm on its way

I've got an hour to get my candles lined up and the starter handy. Right now we've got a lovely shower coming down with just a bit of fogginess. It is so pleasant; for once we have no wind. I have a feeling that will change soonl, after looking at the radar. Hopefully we won't lose our power.
HURRAH for spring!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Lost Dancer

"My baby didn't make it". These are the words of a father about his beautiful daughter Reema, lost on the campus of Virginia Tech. She was a dancer, just a freshman, but already teaching; belly dancing from what I've heard on news coverage. Reema was part of a dance troupe on campus. She was a free spirit, lost while sitting in her French class. I know her type, because I am blessed to have one of these beautiful, free spirits in my life. She is most happy, on fire really, when she is dancing. It is her love, her passion. She makes everyone around her happy, when they have the privelege of watching her doing what she loves the best.
Reema will be missed so much by her loving family. I am so blown away by the courage and composure demonstrated by her father, as well as her brother and sister, who have all shared Reema's story with those of us who are listening.
Her father just wants to see her one more time, (when the coroner is finished doing what he needs to do. ) to kiss his beautiful daughter's face.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


After some much needed prodding by a certain jitta, I've decided to write about NYC and our recent visit. It was fabulous, despite some bumps. Any time 4 adults get together for a week. something is bound to go wrong. THREE very strong personalities, and one peacemaker.
My favorite part of the trip of course, was being able to see some great shows. It's hard to say which I liked best. I guess I'd have to say "Curtains" with David Hyde Pierce. They were all really good; the dancing talent, and choreo in "Chicago" was amazing. Avenue Q was humorous, albeit over the top on a few things. But again, I'm an old poop.
It is hard to imagine how you can go through Central Park and never see the same thing twice. And I'm not referring only to the scenery. So many different people, with their little dogs in THEIR spiffy coats.
And did we eat!!! YUMMY burgers, fish, and great wine.
I LOVE New York.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Backslid a bit.

Well, after developing a nasty cold in NYC, I didn't get to exercise like I had hoped. We did do a bit of walking in Central Park, which is so lovely I have to say. I seem to be having trouble shaking this thing; it's been a week today. Still congested in my nose, and I have an awful, very productive (no need for further explanation here) cough. I did go out today and walk though, went around twice, took the Sophster and Satchhound with me. We all needed to get some fresh air. It is a beautiful day, a bit brisk at 44 degrees. But we made it, only using up 2 tissues. I've got to get back on track, especially if I'm going to do that 5K in a few weeks....


I'm very confused. I thought I'd come back from the Big Apple to find lots of nests and possibly bunches of sky blue eggs. Not so.. Out of the nine houses along our trail, I have 2 nests, one with 4 eggs and the other has 2 as of this morning. The remaining 7 houses are completely empty! Nothing remotely resembling the start of a nest in any of them. I don't know if this latest cold snap has something to do with it or not. Something is eating the mealworms I place on top of each box, and I am assuming it is bluebirds. I guess it's just too early for the rest of them.